The Power of a Signed Copy.
When you buy from an author directly, you're putting money back into their craft.
The Problem: Subscription services like Kindle Unlimited place heavy restrictions on authors and limit readers too. Books that exist only in Kindle Unlimited pay the author roughly .004 cents per page for the first reading of the book. Payments for books sold outright on Amazon are taken immediately from the reader, but the author doesn't receive that payment for at least 60 days. Not to mention Amazon takes a 40% cut just for printing and/or hosting the book on their platform.
Every bookstore comes with its own set of rules around how and when the author gets paid for a sale. It is not a cost-effective model in most cases for independent authors and boutique stores.
The Solution: Buy your books directly from the author. In this instance, when you purchase a signed copy from my website, you're helping me - the person who wrote the book, paid for it to be professionally edited by a real editor (thank you, Diane Shirk!) paid for it to have a real artist - NOT A.I. make the cover art unique (thank you, Dominick Critelli).
I look forward to sending you a book!​
- J.D.
The Silver Scepter
Tales from Elderland (Book 1)
Little Miss Deirdre Heart’s idyllic childhood comes to an end after she accidentally runs away from home, accidentally steals a chocolate cake, and accidentally finds a missing hoard of treasure. A new friend, an orphan with a wooden sword, is who she should either thank or blame for the trouble she finds.
The Skyrunner's Captain
Tales from Elderland (Book 2)
While the New Sovereigns of Elderland fight for peace through control, Victriina Perkins becomes entangled in an ever-growing web of tumult that leads her to a pirate ship with wings. Guiding or driving Victriina’s path is a young thief who appears to help her steal a library book.

The Stone King
Tales from Elderland (Book 3)
Prince Kenaan prepares to undertake a set of Trials that will prove he is worthy of being King. But, when divine intervention makes him question all that he believes, he finds that the seeming loyalty of those closest to him may be leading danger ever closer.